Camilla Chong
Company: InflaRx Group
Job title: Chief Medical Officer
Complement C5a/C5aR Targeted Therapy for Immuno-Dermatology Indications 1:45 pm
The role of C5a and C5aR in chronic inflammation has become increasingly clear in recent years, making both attractive targets for chronic and autoimmune inflammatory diseases Blocking the C5a / C5aR signaling axis has shown disease-modifying activity in various diseases including Hidradenitis Suppurativa and Pyoderma Gangraenosum Vilobelimab (anti-C5a mAb) and INF904 (oral C5aR inhibitor) are…Read more
day: Day One Clinical Track PM
Hidradenitis Suppurativa: An Evolving Drug Development Landscape 8:00 am
Join us for a comprehensive workshop on the opportunities for therapeutic development for Hidradenitis Suppurativa, a disease with increasingly realized prevalence and epidemiologic links to further autoimmune, metabolic and clinically relevant diseases. Explore challenges faced in the development of therapeutics addressing a high disease burden, as well as recent pipeline advancements and strategies which are…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Workshops